Two women talking

A topic so important deserves multiple posts!

If you’re on a fiscal year (July-June), it’s performance evaluation time!  

The management principle of “No Surprises” applies to performance evaluations as well.  Performance evaluations should be a time for you and your staff to recap your conversations from the past year, discuss successes and areas for improvement, and develop goals and expectations for next year.  Performance evaluations are NOT a time to bring up issues that a staff has been having all year for the first time.  And they are NOT a time for a staff member to bring up concerns they’ve had about your management for the first time either.  

As you prepare for the performance evaluation and coach your staff to prepare, think through whether you’ve shared all of your positive and constructive feedback in your 1-1 meetings.  If you haven’t, do so before the performance evaluation.  This will help build trust with your staff and reduce anxiety about the content of the evaluation.  

What questions do you have about performance evaluations?

Contact me below to share your questions or thoughts.  

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